When I write a book, I build avatars of the characters with some basic information about them before I begin. Each book in the series has Maggie McCready and her Spirit Crew but each place she travels to features a new bunch of quirky people that she gets to know and, in some cases, takes under her wing. Fans of Maggie have shown an interest in these extras and as I was thinking about what that would look like I had the most marvellous idea. How about asking YOU, my readers, to put together your own avatar and enter it into a competition?
Here is the avatar for one of my characters in The Pilgrims’ Way Café (book #2 in Maggie McCready’s Travelling Tarot Adventures)
Terms and Conditions
- You must be over 18 years of age to enter this competition.
- You may enter one but no more than three avatars.
- You may use a stock photo or real photo of yourself.
- You MUST NOT use the photo of another person of any age. Stock Photos or a real photo of yourself only.
- If you use your photo, you must give the Publisher written permission and the right to use your avatar and photo in blog posts, newsletters, online marketing, and social media.
- Avatars will be used for only one book, designated by the author. Your character will not appear in any other books in the series.
If your avatar is chosen, you will receive:
- A paperback of the title sent to an address you provide.
- An autographed bookplate you can adhere to the book if you wish.
- Acknowledgement of your contribution in the book’s acknowledgements section.
- The publisher and author are not responsible for an incorrect address or book not being received by you.
- Once the competition is over, all avatars will be destroyed.
- The author and publisher’s decision will be final.